Alternative Café offers coffee roasted by the producers. This ensures optimal quality and freshness, allows producers to better reward their work, and invest in sustainable practices. By purchasing these coffees, you support a fair and environmentally respectful economy while enjoying superior quality coffee.
Explore the coffees

Explore the Continents

Go on an adventure and explore the coffee belt in search of new flavours. Enjoy the different terroirs and varieties of coffee for a unique and constantly renewed experience. And dream by discovering the unique story behind each coffee and the estate or the House it originates from.

A Story of Producers

Café Samaria

The result of the labor of four generations of passionate coffee growers, Café Samaria is now an iconic coffee estate that respects biodiversity and employs the best techniques from seed to cup to deliver the finest Colombian coffee.

Our Coffee Suggestions

We offer a selection of coffee beans exclusively roasted at origin. This new farm-to-cup approach improves the remuneration of producers for a truly equitable sharing. Through each coffee bag, discover a story, a terroir, and enjoy the know-how of passionate producers.

Our Commitments

Alternative Café launches the 4th wave of coffee, which becomes a local and authentic local product, 100% made locally. Our mission: introducing you to the best coffees in the world, straight from their estates and houses, for a unique experience.
Our Concept
The European consumer is often unaware of the very existence of quality coffees.